freddie oh freddie! whatever shall i göra?


right, so theres a guy in my class called freddie. he is 16 years old. he owns a motorbike. and he likes it. he is awesomely cool. he is good at maths. he is smart. he is swedish. he lived in a lot of countries. he plays guitar. he likes metallica. like all other guys. he likes soccer. like all other guys. he has a brother and a sister. he has a dog. he lives 100000miles away. he has msn. he has facebook. he's in a threesome with me and tess. oh yeash, a threesome. becos a foursome isnt cool according to him so we kicked kai out. he lives in a house. he used to go to the same school as my friend evie. in poland. cos thats where he lived before. he plays basketball. he was the captian of a volleyball team. he doesnt like darth belle. he wishes he was special, but hes a creep. he had a webcam once but its broken now. oh no. he likes movies. he says that 2=1. and its true. yes. it is. he thinks ib are considered weird. i agree. hes listening to radiohead right now. he thinks we should have a class party. but he wouldnt bitch about it. becos he doesnt want to have a party. hed rather to go to one. cos he doesnt wanna clean. sometimes he drinks coke. yes yes oh yay. he thinks systembolaget is a little stupid. he is a pastafarian. ramen. he says jeebus. and thinks that this is gonna be RLY long. he likes sweden, he thinks its pretty good. thats what she said. he prefers poland more. he likes the food here. mmmm fika. *drool drool*. he doesnt like iphones cos theyre retarded. he likes to rickroll people. bewarreee. hes in a really funny video on youtube. where hes dancing. its wicked cute. and funny. roflmao. he likes to meow. and dance like a chicken. he has a genital problem, although he says its not a problem, he quite likes it. he likes the bloodhound gang. he sings: dear chasey lane i wrote to explain im your biggest fan, i just wanted to ask could i eat your ass write back as soon as you can. dear chasey lane i wrote to constrain this letter is my last, as your biggest fan i must demand you let me eat your ass. yes, freddie sings that. a lot. whoooooooooot.

and hes ..... blue a dabadiba dao badibbaaaaa. dabadibadi daooo.

that be freddie on the right. yes. i know what youre thinking. and no, he wasnt in your moms pants last night.

wooooooooooooooooooooooooow this blog was pointless yet again! well i guess thats what you ask someone what to blog about and they say ME and you actually do it. rightios. freddie i hope you god damn apprieciate this or ima have to hurt you.

this was all for now.
and in the words of the great freddie himself,,, do me.
Little Miss Clueless.

ps. mcflys album came out :D

Postat av: Anonym


2008-09-23 @ 21:47:39
Postat av: Terese Lantz

Its what we in sweden call 'klockrent'

snaps for you patti, I admire your work

And... Freddie ; " were you in my moms pants last night?! "

2008-09-23 @ 21:50:40

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