tribute to the best band in the world...

everybody knows that the best band in the world is The Beatles. if you disagree, buzz off and dont read this blogg. becos this entry is nothing less than a shout out to THE most greatest band ever...

as we all know 4 men from liverpool, england decided to form a band and call it The Beatles. little did they know they would soon become wicked famous. they broke a record for the youngest band with the most number one hits (which many years later would be broken again by my favourite band McFly), and girls were crazy about them. see if i lived back then, i know i most definitely wouldve been. they made many amazing albums, and personally i love the albums from the late 60's the most. sometimes i just listen to those songs and think to myself, WHAT WERE THEY TAKING?! i mean, if you think about it,, listen to Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds ,,
"picture yourself in a boat on a river, with tangerine trees and marmalade skies. somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly, a girl with kaleidoscope eyes. cellophane flowers of yellow and green, towering over your head. look for the girl with the sun in her eyes, and she's gone. Lucy in the sky with diamonds"

get my drift?! i seriously wonder ^^ but nahh,,, they wrote amazing songs, and it totally sucks that john lennon was murdered. why do all the wonderful people in the world have to get assainated?! oh look, that person is doing something good for the world, lets shoot him. seriously, which retard thinks like that. i would like to know bad.

the beatles are just an amazing band no matter what anyone says, and as a person whos grown up listening to them with a huge beatles fan of a father, i have learned to love them. we still even have my dads old LP's,, and he has basically ALL the albums, even the WHITE album (: its wickeed. without the beatles, some of the awesome bands in the world wont be here since they have them as an inspiration, and i know tons of hip hoppers that looove the beatles, so proof has shown itself that everyone with all music taste can love them.

another thing i have to point out to all you beatles' fan is this amazing musical. its called Across The Universe and its ammaaazziiinnngggggggggggg. all the songs in the musical are beatles songs, and the director took all these songs and wrote a story out of it. all the characters are named after someone they have sung about, example, one of the biggest characters is a guy from liverpool called Jude. gedit? but i recomend you to watch it. even you non-beatles fans. if you love musicals then its the one for you. WATCH IT!!!!!!

the poster for Across The Universe                  The Beatles!!!!!!!

so there was the tribute to the best band in the world... i hope you liked it! ;D
thats all for now, and in the words of The Beatles themselves,, nothing you can't do but you can learn how to be you in time, it's easy. all you need is love, all you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Little Miss Clueless.


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